Subject: Week #4 Aug Hygge Challenge




Your Week #4 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "creating a legacy" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for Aug is guiding us to prepare for the next great stage of our journey. We are being asked to let go of all the stuff weighing us down and find heart-centered ways to show up in life.

Hello! The Hygge Lifestyle helps us find safe and comfortable spaces to do the inner reflective work we are being asked to do. The beauty of this lifestyle is that it naturally calms the inner storm so we can be more comfortable just letting things go.

Fresh starts and new beginnings are flowing in fast but we need to be ready for this fresh start. Fresh starts don't seem exciting if we are still dealing with the old stuff. So let's create a legacy worth living. Let's create a life we will love!

Week 1's challenge was to continue creating a living legacy for ourselves at home. For me, creating a legacy used to mean being successful at work or building an empire. However now, creating a legacy means healing and creating comfort, joy, and happiness in the small moments so life is filled with love in each moment. These are the moments I want my kids to remember, not the stressed-out, short-tempered mother I was. In last week's challenge, I asked you to look within your home, and how you are showing up at home and find two ways to start creating your legacy at home.

Week #2's challenge was to allow yourself to enjoy the journey. There are many times we can feel stuck and then we start believing that we have done something wrong, made the wrong decision, or we aren't going fast enough and everyone is doing better than us. The truth is we are where we are meant to be in every moment. We are with the people we are meant to learn from and the moment we relax into this place of appreciation we will find our way out of this stuck feeling.

Last week's challenge was to start creating a living legacy where you start showing those around you the value of balance. The concept of balance has been portrayed as impossible. However, balance is subjective to what YOU need to come into balance. There isn't a specific ingredient list that will bring balance for everyone, and it has nothing about time spent equally between parts of your life. Balance is only possible by you taking a moment to examine your life when you feel out of balance to pinpoint what doesn't feel in balance, then doing something to bring it into balance. When we do this we feel joy, peace, and fulfillment...AND we get to teach future generations how to achieve this by modeling it for them and ourselves.

This week's challenge is to use nature to ground yourself in moments where you may feel scattered, and unsure of yourself. When we lean on nature to help us in these moments we can feel the support under us, when we aren't sure what to do or where to go. Nature allows us to be in this moment and find some semblance of peace, courage, and empowerment to lead our way through life, even during uncertain times.

No matter what reveals to you this week, know that you are supported and your connection with nature is going to help you tap into the knowledge you will need moving forward. Trust yourself and allow yourself to breathe in natures healing energy, feel the Earth beneath your feet, the wind in your hair, and the birds singing.

You've got this, and if you need additional support please reach out. I'm sending you all love.

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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