Subject: Week #3 March Hygge Challenge




Your Week #3 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "finding what was lost" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

Hey Hygge Family! We are in a brand new month and many are finding themselves exploring their life, themselves, and their soul on deeper levels. The theme for this month is "finding what was lost". While nothing is truly lost in the Divine it can feel like it is if it is hidden deep enough.

The theme for this month may take you, as an individual, down paths that are in growth and expansion as you discover parts of you that you forgot you enjoyed. It could take you along paths that are new and exciting for growth and expansion opportunities. While others may find themselves exploring paths they felt a calling to venture down but didn't know which direction to set forth.

This is your month to find your footing in knowing the value of venturing forth along these paths and knowing it will bring forth worthiness to the life you are manifesting. We will do this by utilizing not only the Laws of the Universe as they were Divinely Designed but by using Hygge journey principles to help you feel comfortable moving forward.

Reminder: For those that thought hygge was just about cozy blankets and candles or comfort foods, this challenge is based upon the root meaning of hygge - to give courage, comfort, and joy to your life as you connect deeply with your soul, mind, and consciousness. 

This month when you aren't sure where to start with each week's challenge give yourself the space, within your Hyggekrog, to look within your heart. As you sit with the challenge that week you may be presented with a few different options. It is your choice which path feels more aligned for you at this time. Allow your intuition and soul to guide you, as the Divine is comforting you, as you begin to recognize the opportunities that await you.

You do this through love and light through every moment. The light shines a light on what we are meant to see for the journey ahead, and the love comforts us as we find the courage within us to move forward. What feels lost? Is it a disconnection within you or uncertainty about something about yourself? Do you feel like you belong somewhere else, or are being called toward a new direction? Are you mourning a loss within your life in some way? Do you feel like gifts or messages are trying to come through but you aren't sure what they are? Within each week's challenge ask yourself these questions and I can assure you that love will help you nurture yourself to discover the path you've been feeling the pull to venture down.

Week #1's challenge was to explore what may be a lost offering for a potential opportunity for deepening your connection with your soul's purpose. While sitting in your hyggekrog inside, or finding a spot in nature, explore what comes up. This may be in relation to what you can offer as a new connection or renewed connection with your soul. What do you love? What do you love to do? Notice your feelings and how your intuition is guiding you to reflect on the value of each potential experience. Now explore what could be next and what you are willing to do with love and light as you walk this path you are choosing.

Week #2's challenge was to explore what may have been a lost opportunity for finding balance but now is possible through intentional choices you make going forward. Where is there an imbalance in your life? How can you create change that will bring balance in that area? What are your priorities? Are the priorities you've been living by creating happiness for you? What relationships bring value to your life and how do you desire those relationships to feel while being in balance? The light is shining on the areas where balance is needed. Love yourself through these moments and allow the air clear your old beliefs and patterns that aren't helping you. Allow fresh new ideas to flow in to help renew life with more balance. Then use these ideas to make some changes that empower you to balance those areas once again.

Week #3's challenge is to explore what may feel like a lost higher purpose. While your higher purpose is not lost, it may feel hidden. This week's challenge is to explore what your higher purpose may include for your life moving forward. Your exploration may surprise you and it may bring up emotions that need healing. The paths we have been following haven't always allowed for complete alignment and it was hidden from us, but we get to see aligned pathways now. We get to venture down them and feel deeply aligned from a soul level. We get to know their value and worthiness in our life. Will you allow yourself to face your emotions and explore what value and worthiness these new paths could bring for your life moving forward?

Pro tip: Nature is healing. If you are exploring a deepening relationship with your soul and your purpose, fire can be used to help nurture that grounding experience. If you are mentally struggling, letting air help you release is important for grounding. Emotionally, water is there to help you release and reflect. For the physical, nature in physical form is there supporting you under your feet, touching it, and in visual form by consciously noticing it. If you are looking for ways to ground, check out my blog.

You've got this!

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there. Let's connect there or send me an email.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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