Subject: Week #3 March Hygge Challenge




Your Week #3 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "grounding" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for March is to help us with grounding support. I'm going to use this message of learning to trust we are grounded, learning to feel grounded within this month's Hygge Challenge.

Once again, Universe has provided a clear link to Hygge Lifestyle and what is needed to help us feel supported on many levels. 

The Hygge Lifestyle is deeply connected to nature and being able to find ways to connect with nature to help with healing and to know we are supported through whatever we are going through.

Over the month, I will be sending you a weekly challenge to help you find ways to connect and ground with nature. There is a video below that talks about the benefits of Earthing (grounding our energies) as part of your challenge for Week #1, I encouraged you to watch it.

The second part of Week #1's challenge was to create a list of ways you can connect with nature this month and commit to doing 2-3 of them. If you need ideas to help you connect with nature the blog and if you are still stuck, email me or ask the question in the Facebook group.

Last week's challenge, was to commit to being mindful of how you are feeling physically and the emotions you are experiencing. Before reacting as normal, I asked that you do one of the ways you committed to ground yourself to help let go of whatever is happening for you.

I've released a new blog post about the importance of grounding and why Hygge helps. Check it out! Even I was shocked as to the messages Spirit gave me for this post.

In this week's challenge, we are going to try and reignite a passion for life again. The energies we've been feeling have been hard for many of us, so let's sit in our hyggekrog and ask for some loving help in a different way.

Life flows when we are experiencing joy and following our passions. It becomes easier as we find ways to bring that spark into our days. Many times this is because we have felt disconnected from what we love and have had a long stretch of struggle.

Let's ALL set the intention to step into joy this week and maybe, just maybe those that may have a little harder time doing it will feel the rest of us encouraging them and sending them the loving energy to help support them through this one step.

So this week, ask to be reminded of a time when you felt alive, vibrant, and passionate. Then allow yourself to remember how that felt and find a way to continue that feeling in some way. It may not look like an exact carbon copy but it brings in the same feeling.

For me, I was missing my boys and the joy I feel when we are all together. They live in different cities as us, so getting together is not easy these days. So I asked them if we can do a family zoom call on a regular basis. They agreed and I've been loving it. In fact, I am still laughing at our last one because we spent most of the time doing a physic question and debating the theory behind it. Yep, we are geeks and I love it!

What will you do to rekindle joy and passion in your life once again? Remember joy and love are grounding support for you. Tapping into it helps ground you to what matters within your life.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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