Subject: Week #3 Feb Hygge Challenge




Your Week #3 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "loving foundations" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for February is helping us lovingly build foundations within our life. Let's intentionally use this energy to help build foundations within the different areas of your life using the Hygge Lifestyle.

Within the Hygge It! Course I talk about the foundations of Hygge and the benefits it has for all of us: physically, metaphysically, and also from a psychological perspective as well.

When you think about Hygge, what area of your life do you feel shaky?

How would you like Hygge to help you build a foundation of support?

Foundations are supportive. They could be routines that become part of your day that help you do some self-reflection with love. By doing this you are supporting your journey and are building a foundation for your growth and expansion.

In week #1, we focused on foundations where you are showing yourself that you can be supportive of your own journey. What was the one thing you did or changed that helped support you in some way?

Last week's challenge was to continue on with the change you decided to make last week and to notice how you feel as you continue with it, or notice if you find yourself slipping back into old patterns of putting other things first. Then I challenged you to set the boundary and put yourself on the priority list.

This week's challenge is to keep going and know that healthy habits are created after 21 days. What I'd like you to do is to celebrate in some way after you've achieved the 3 weeks in your new routine.

For me, I love to celebrate small achievements with my family. We'll have a game night, or we will plan an outdoor event that we've been wanting to do.

Sometimes, I'll buy a book that is on my wish list, or I have booked a massage for myself as a special treat.

Notice that all of these support the Hygge lifestyle and are self-care in some way. What will you do to celebrate yourself in some way?

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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