Subject: Week #2 Oct Hygge Challenge

It's Hygge Time!

Your Week #2 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "joyful" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

This month's theme is about being "joyful". It will be about allowing joy into the small areas of your life, enjoying the Hyggelig around you, and feeling the abundance of it flowing through you. In Canada, October is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. For me, showing appreciation for the joy I see within my life is how I can honor the serenity that comes with a Hygge Lifestyle.

Last week your challenge is to slow down enough to appreciate some part of your life. It might have been creating time for some self-care or noticing a sparkle in someone's eye. What was it for you?

For me, it was listening to the laughter in the house and ordering a beautiful birthday cake for my daughter's 16th birthday. Those moments capped off my week with joy.

This week, your challenge is to explore what you can do this month that will bring more joy into your life. It might be introducing a weekly game night for the family, or doing a throwback theme for activities you've enjoyed in the past.

Laughter and joy are what is prescribed this week. What can you plan for yourself?

We had an early Thanksgiving when our boys were home last month, so I'm thinking of making it a game weekend this year. Ooooh! Maybe we could do smores over a bonfire!

Whatever those joyful moments are, recognize them and let them soak in. No matter what is going on around you, if you slow down enough you can see the joy in some form.

Pssst: if you are Canadian. Happy Thanksgiving!💝

Remember - As an added challenge this month, I'd love to connect with you! Feel free to tag me on IG or Facebook Stories to share your Hygge challenge activities. I'd love to celebrate with you!

Until next week, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,


On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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