Subject: Week #2 June Hygge Challenge




Your Week #2 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "freedom" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for June requires us to rediscover the feeling of freedom. It is spring here and entering the summer months soon enough. For some school is almost out, and extracurricular activities are winding down. Which should feel like freedom, but there is always a busy stretch of wrap-ups before the freedom is felt.

This month we are going to explore different types of freedom and challenge you to integrate them into your hygge lifestyle. After all, the hygge lifestyle is about feeling free to explore and connect within and around you.

Last week's challenge was to put down what is troubling you and rest, recharge, relax, then reset with freedom in mind. Whatever the situation, stop and allow yourself permission to just BE rather than do. Recenter your energies to a central point - a neutral spot. This neutral spot is a point where love flows in and you can absorb more love than the original trouble had.

This week's challenge is to heed the call and trust yourself enough to break free. I'm talking about those nudges your intuition has been guiding you to do. The awareness that something needs to change, something is coming, or that a situation can not continue. What are you being asked to take notice of?

Spirit will allow you to avoid it for a while but often it gets louder the more urgent you need to take notice. Break free of the pattern you're stuck in and allow yourself the freedom to answer the call.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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