Subject: Week #2 June Hygge Challenge

It's Hygge Time!

Your Week #2 Challenge Awaits...

As mentioned in Week #1, June begs us to explore that fun side of us. That is the theme for this month - Fun!

Last week I challenged you to spend some time dreaming and journaling about the experiences you'd like to have while being Hygglig. You were asked to reflect on:

What are the experiences you'd like to have using the Hygge principles: calm, comfort, and connection? Think fun experiences - ones that ooze joy! How would you feel while doing them? Who would be there with you?

This week we are exploring what we are willing to do to make those dreams possible. This might mean small changes to the schedule, or maybe it is creating a deeper connection within yourself so you feel more comfortable letting go and being in the moment.

Do you find yourself being too serious sometimes? It happens to the best of us, so you aren't alone!

Your challenge this week is to reflect on the vision you had for your Hygge life and see how you can have some fun within your current life, using the Hygge principles.

Growing up, my Aunt and Uncle were often found starting random water fights while doing dishes. It released the tension and filled the house with laughter. Of course, Grandma made them clean it up, but she let the fun be had because the sound of laughter emanated joy.

Whatever you choose to do for fun this month, it only matters if it matters to you and will bring joy to your life. It doesn't have to be planned. It doesn't have cost anything. It doesn't have to be complicated. It just needs to allow fun within your days. What are you open to trying this month?

See you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group! Happy life goal setting - Hygge style!

Loads of Love,


On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...


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