Subject: Week #2 April Hygge Challenge




Your Week #2 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "leadership" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for April requires us to be the leaders for ourselves in many different ways. A leader finds the courage to do the actions that make the positive actions necessary for change.

This month we are being asked to be the leaders we need to lead ourselves into this new beginning that is flowing in for everyone. This requires us to use the Hygge Lifestyle to help us cut through old patterns that aren't helping us, shed old beliefs, and choose healthier ways of living.

Pro tip: use your hyggekrog to feel comfortable and safe enough to do this.

Last week's challenge was to reflect on how Hygge can help you ground your energies and be the leader you need for your own health and wellbeing. Then I also challenged you to face any triggers head-on, sit with them in your hyggekrog and allow Spirit to guide you through any healing you need.

This week's challenge is to acknowledge the inner knowledge within you and allow yourself to speak that which you desire to express. Leaders know when to speak and know when to express their desire for change so they can manifest into reality.

There is knowledge within you; knowledge that your inner voice has been whispering to you for a while. This knowledge is the pathway to creating a life you will love.

If you have bottled this up within you, ignored it in some way, or tried to push it aside as you place others' needs first now is the time to find a way to express your needs and lead the way for more Hygge in your life. 

Years ago, I found myself drowning and needed to lead myself out of the deep end. I finally spoke up one evening after a health scare (I recommend not waiting for that kind of wake-up call!).

I simply looked at my family and said I need to let go and accept help. I need to put myself on the list in small ways, and this may require "mommy time-outs" so I can be the mom I wanted to be. It also may require them to pitch in and sometimes take over tasks that I had tried to control myself.

These small changes allowed me to improve my health. It allowed me time and the space the reflect on my day. It also led me to feel confident to ask for family zoom calls, years later when the two oldest had moved away.

What will you express so that you may be the leader you need for your life?

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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