Subject: Week #1 Sept Hygge Challenge

It's Hygge Time!

Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "creative" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

This month's theme is about being "creative". It will be about creatively exploring what YOU need to bring more simplicity, balance, and connection within your life. September isn't always an easy month because there is a pull to naturally slow down within nature, but the changes to schedules often don't mimic what nature is telling us to do.

This is where looking within to see what we need to bring more simplicity, balance, and connection helps. The trick is trying to be creative about it, without complicating it.

This week I am challenging you to reflect on your life, and notice where the imbalance is, then ask yourself what can you do to bring more balance and get creative.

If the "go-to" is to read or binge-watch Netflix then expand your options. The old ways may have bored your senses and aren't as effective anymore, so you may need to change things up.

Is there a craft you enjoy? What about taking up a sport you used to enjoy? If slowing things down is needed, then what can you do to ask for help while you use that time for some much-needed self-care.

Often when I do this, I'll journal ideas as part of a brain dump exercise, then I'll explore the possible options to see what resonates with me. You don't have to do them all, but I'd like you to start practicing looking within for answers.

As always, if the mind feels like it is blocked then the blog has some creative solutions that might ignite some creativity for you. If that doesn't work, don't give up just yet. I'd like you to reach out to me and I'll help you.

Remember - As an added challenge this month, I'd love to connect with you! Feel free to tag me on IG or Facebook Stories to share your Hygge challenge activities. I'd love to celebrate with you!

Until next week, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,


On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...


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