Subject: Week #1 July Hygge Challenge




Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has an "emotional mastery" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for July is guiding us to learn how to master our own emotions for balanced emotional wellbeing. I feel like the Hygge Lifestyle has prepared us for this very moment!

That being said, let's use the tools the Hygge Lifestyle has guided us to use to help us through what might be emotionally challenging moments this month.

Are you ready to step into your power and smooth out the emotional swings?

This week's challenge is to look within your life and identify two things you love about it, and one thing you'd like to change so that it aligns with a Hyggelig feeling. Then I'd like you to reflect on something simply you could do this week to bring in that Hygglig feeling.

Heart-centered manifestation starts within the heart space and the best time to align your goals with your heart is the new moon week. Well, this is the week!

Hygge strongly suggests we connect with nature to help us develop a deeper connection with our consciousness. By doing the challenge this week, you are achieving two things:

  1. you are identifying two positives that align with your heart-centered being.

  2. you are creatively expanding your vision for your life by exploring one other heart-centered desire.

Manifestation starts with thoughts and the emotions we have behind them matter. By ensuring our desires are truly heart-centered, the flow of energy to help us create what we desire for our lives becomes easier.

Will you accept this challenge to be heart-centered and aligned with your desires in life?

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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