Subject: Week #1 July Hygge Challenge

It's Hygge Time!

Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

It's July, and that means a new month and a new theme! The theme for this month is connection!

Last month's theme was fun. How did you do? Were you able to find new refreshing ways to integrate fun into your life? Did you intentionally create space to have more fun?

I personally created more space for the family to play games, and we also completed a massive Lego project that had been on hold since we got in at Christmas. The pictures for this project are in the Simply Hygge Facebook group. As the month progressed I shared in my stories on IG and Facebook, bonfires, movies, games, and just the joyful sound of laughter. It was truly a blessing to do this challenge with you all.

I'd like to invite you to tag me on IG or Facebook Stories to share your Hygge challenge activities. I'd love to celebrate with you!

This month we are going back to Hygge Lifestyle foundations. Connection is a foundational "C" within the Hygge Lifestyle. As we enter into summer or winter, depending upon where you are in the world, you may be feeling this need to reconnect.

I mentioned in my latest newsletters that there has been energy guiding us to get clear on what matters most to us, and this deeply relates to how much fun we have within our life (last month's theme). Knowing what matters will help us get clear on how we want to connect within certain relationships and also how we want to create space to connect within ourselves.

This week I'd like you to think about how you want to spend time with yourself and get to know yourself again. I'd like you to think about how you want to show up within your relationships and connect with those you love. What can you do this month to connect on a deeper level with people?

Take the time to really feel into what that looks like and feels like for you. Knowing how this feels through you will help you to know when something feels off in the upcoming few weeks, and help you readjust to bring you back into balance once again.

Whatever season this is for you, enjoy your time with those you love and enjoy some alone time (even those sparse moments you can find for just you). As always, if you are looking for some ideas check out the blog and it just might spark some ideas for you.

Until next week, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,


On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...


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