Subject: Week #1 Feb Hygge Challenge




Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "nurturing freedom" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

Hey Hygge Family! It has been a while since I did a hygge challenge and I want to express my love and appreciation for you hanging in there with me, and growing in numbers as I took a much-needed break. I am trying something new this month to help you (and me) through the month using hygge principles. I will still use the energy readings I receive from Source, but these messages will be specific to our hygge journey.

This may mean that you will feel them resonating more than before, but they also may trigger something that needs healing. Be aware of this and use it to help your journey in massive ways. I am being guided through every word and will help those who intentionally desire change and a deeper relationship with their soul if they choose to sit with these challenges and take action when necessary.

I encourage you to go deeper than normal, for the journey is infinite and higher perspectives continue to help you expand into the person your soul desires for you to be. Reminder: For those that thought hygge was just about cozy blankets and candles or comfort foods, this challenge is based upon the root meaning of hygge - to give courage, comfort, and joy to your life as you connect deeply with your soul, mind, and consciousness. 

This month's challenge is based on 2023 having an energy of freedom and we are being asked to nurture that freedom that started taking root within the spiritual realm. There are many karmic loops that were initiated by forces beyond anyone's control and beyond anyone's knowledge. This is true for our ancestors and for ourselves. However, every root of karmic loops was analyzed and eliminated to allow for freedom and healing for ALL. It is now up to us as individuals to release the expectations and self-judgments that continue to bring these loops into practice, so that we can nurture freedom in new refreshing ways for our life.

This month, while nurturing the freedom seeded within our lives, we will explore many different avenues that may be hard to face. Everyone will experience different things but the underlying energy I'd like you to focus on is how will you nurture yourself through to freedom. You do this through love. What do you love? Who do you love? What do you love to do? How can you align yourself with love through each moment once again? Will you love yourself with grace as you walk this journey toward freedom? Within each week's challenge ask yourself these questions and I can assure you love will help you nurture yourself to freedom.

Week #1's challenge is to know that life is sometimes filled with uncertainty and confusion. In these moments we find ourselves in fear, worry, or resistance. Your challenge this week is to notice your emotions and face them but to do this with grace and love as you nurture yourself toward freedom. Most would discount them or push these feelings away or aside without exploring what is coming up for healing. This creates loops, because even if it isn't your baggage to deal with it still needs to be released because if you are feeling it, chances are you accepted it somehow. To face these moments, find your Hyggekrog (a safe and comfortable space to reflect) and with grace and love explore within yourself. Ask yourself for a different perspective that you may be missing; one that will help you move towards freedom.

Karmic loops are energetic ties to past choices, beliefs, and actions. These energetic ties connect us to these past choices, beliefs, and actions but aren't aligned with how our soul desires to be living. When we discover the truth through higher perspectives behind these karmic loops, we can then forgive others and ourselves for not knowing the implications and to holding onto them for so long. Forgiveness untethers us from these loops, welcomes healing, and allows us to move forward into freedom once again.

This work isn't always easy but like any new activity, it does become easier to release the resistance and do whatever is necessary to nurture yourself toward freedom.  You've got this!

Don't forget! If you are on Facebook the link is below. If you are on Telegram, join my Be Simply You group there. Let's connect there or send me an email.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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