Subject: Week #1 Feb Hygge Challenge




Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "loving foundations" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

The energy flowing in for February is helping us lovingly build foundations within our life. Let's intentionally use this energy to help build foundations within the different areas of your life using the Hygge Lifestyle.

Within the Hygge It! Course I talk about the foundations of Hygge and the benefits it has for all of us: physically, metaphysically, and also from a psychological perspective as well.

When you think about Hygge, what area of your life do you feel shaky?

How would you like Hygge to help you build a foundation of support?

Foundations are supportive. They could be routines that become part of your day that help you do some self-reflection with love. By doing this you are supporting your journey and are building a foundation for your growth and expansion.

For this week's challenge, let's focus on foundations where you are showing yourself that you can be supportive of your own journey.

This might be a routine that you have felt guided to add but haven't taken the time to figure out. It might be something you felt guided to change that you were resisting in some way.

What is one thing you can do or change that will help support you in some way?

It could be anything, like:

  • using your Hyggekrog to find comfort after your workday

  • doing yoga or a small workout before you start your day

  • making a healthy breakfast and mindfully enjoying it

  • reading a fun book for a change

  • carving out a few early morning minutes for your chats with Universe

  • evening walks to clear the head

  • eliminating artificial sweeteners from your diet

What is it that you felt pulled to try out? What will help bring a bit more foundational support for yourself?

When I choose to do things like this I make tiny steps and celebrate each one. For me, the big massive adjustments and expectations don't help with the stress levels. The changes need to be valued by me and enjoyable.

After years of believing that I wasn't valued or valuable, when I started showing myself that I could lovingly be there for myself it made a huge positive on my health and my relationships with other people.

I was no longer relying on others to hold me up just to get through the day, instead, I was building foundational support for myself. In doing this, it helped me to empower others to be that for themselves as well.

Whatever you choose for this week, please allow it to be something you value and will enjoy.

Until next time, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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