Subject: Week #1 Dec Hygge Challenge

It's Hygge Time!

Your Week #1 Challenge Awaits...

This month's challenge has a "comfort" theme. Let's explore what that could mean for you...

This month's energy has a similar pattern as last month, but it is turned up a notch or two. So even though the new moon cycle isn't quite over and I'm still calling in a "holistic completion" message for this week, I am finding myself needing comfort more and more these days. I know the value of comfort and I'm using it daily!  

So let's explore how to create comfort for you this month as the world shifts into new dynamics and we continue to learn things that aren't comfortable. Let's do this together as we use comfort to create safe spaces for us during this time.

For me, comfort is the feeling of home. Simon & Garfunkel likened home to be where love is waiting silently for you.

While this isn't always the case for some people or hasn't been. Maybe, just maybe Hygge can create that feeling for more of us.

Hygge often has suggestions on how to use decor to bring comfort to your space. There are a few articles on the blog (see the link at the bottom of this email) that go through some tips for adding hyggelig (hygge-like) decor to your space.

This month we are going to explore not only the outer comfort within a space but also the value of being comfortable and creating a psychological comfort for ourselves when needed.

This week, your challenge is to look at the spaces you have within your home and your office. Is there an element of hyggelig comfort that helps to calm you and bring in a feeling of safety?

These could be physical items of comfort such as a cozy blanket, a candle, or throw pillow. It could be a plant that you've been nurturing or a wooden carving of a hippo (like Tula down below😉). It could be your favorite picture of someone special that brings a smile to your face...yes, even the goofy pictures taken unexpectedly that ignite a happy memory.

Where do you spend your time? Is there an element of hyggelig comfort in that space? If not, how could you change that? Could you move something? Whatever you choose to do, it will be worth it.

For me, when I worked outside the home, my office would have a craft my kids made or a printout of my favorite inspirational quote. Sometimes, if I had a window, I'd have a plant on my desk.

Now I am slowly changing up my home office to speak to me on a deeper level. I have the vision and that is the first step, but in the meantime, I have small items that help me calm my energies when I'm feeling off for some reason.

My favorite spots in the house, my hyggekrog's, will generally have a throw blanket and pillow or two. Looking out the window, cuddling up under a blanket is comforting to me. I'll often do some self-reflection while watching the wind move the trees in my yard.

What small changes can you do to bring more hyggelig comfort to your spaces?

Remember - As an added challenge this month, I'd love to connect with you! Feel free to tag me on IG or Facebook Stories to share your Hygge challenge activities. I'd love to celebrate with you!

Until next week, see you in the Simply Hygge Facebook group!

Loads of Love,

On the blog, there are a number of unique ideas for how to add some fun to your Hygge lifestyle - yes, even creating a pillow fort or an outdoor movie night...

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