Subject: Now It's easy to Pro-mote BIM - You can too!

Hey all,

I just wanted to share this amazing system
I use to pro.mote BIG IDEA MASTERMIND.

It's a simple system for pr.omoting BIM, created
by some BIM family members.

... and you know what, I really like when things
are simple - simple is beautiful.

They just updated the pages and emails with brand
new stuff.

I wanted to let you know now this weekend because
you can get it at a low onetime fee - it's worth
a lot more.

Pro.mote Big Idea Mastermind - with JAM

I use the JAM system (JAM = Join a Mentor)
It's a simple system for p.romoting BIM, created
by some BIM family members.

It's easy to earn money with Big Idea
Mastermind using the JAM system

JAM consists of:
JAM has its own pages and email series.

1) squeeze page (lead capture page)
and 14 emails in the email series that go
out to your leads that op.ted in at your page

2) S.alespage - the page after optin

3) Google Hangout page
( hangout = Live online video conference )
The lastest hangout will always be at this
link as a recorded hangout

...go there Now - watch the recorded hangout!

4) Get your own JAM system

Get your own JAM system here
..and start E.arning M.oney Online with BIM

==> Get JAM before MONDAY - S47 one.time

It's a onetime fee of S47 to get access to the
JAM system

... on monday the p.rice is gonna go up to 97.
... so you better hurry, if you want this beauty!


I also wanted you to meet my mentor
that has taught me everything I know
Watch this Video: Big Idea Mastermind VIDEO

Take care with best regards
Hans Ronne


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