Subject: Some Comfort for Your Grief -- Zoom Call TODAY 10am

Some Comfort for Your Grief -- Zoom Call TODAY 10am

May 6th, 2020 at 9:00 am EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, Blessings on another week as Allegheny County remains under Stay-At-Home orders. I know for some of you it's another week of continuing to get used to this new reality, and for others it brings some familiar and some new strugg ...

God the Good Shepherd

May 1st, 2020 at 4:47 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, The Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally "Good Shepherd Sunday," where the Gospel text is a section of John 10 - Jesus' meditation on being the Good Shepherd. This year we read verses 1-10, where Jesus not only compares him ...

Governor's Plans and Hot Metal

April 28th, 2020 at 5:17 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Community, Another week still at home. I know some of us are starting to feel a weird sense of "normalcy," while others continue to feel overwhelmed. Wherever you are, however you are feeling, please know you are not alone. This commun ...

We're looking forward to seeing you via Zoom on Sunday!

April 24th, 2020 at 1:30 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, This week we'll once again gather via Zoom as a community. I know that this journey of quarantine has been long and hard, and we give thanks for signs that our efforts are working to control the spread of the virus, and we mour ...

Another Discussion Group Option!

April 22nd, 2020 at 12:53 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, We're officially over a month into social distancing measures, and I know that the rhythm of this time is both becoming normal and tiresome. While we've had some good news that the measures are working and the curve is flatteni ...

Digital Gatherings for this Time

April 17th, 2020 at 2:17 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, This week's Gospel story start with the disciples isolated in a locked room, in the aftermath of the trauma of death and fear. If that's not a story for this time, I don't know what is. We too find ourselves isolated and afraid ...

Happy Easter!

April 14th, 2020 at 9:30 am EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, Christ is Risen! ...Now what? It was such a joy and privilege to see so many of you on Zoom and to share in the promise of the resurrection, and participate in Holy Communion with this beloved community. Thank you for the oppor ...

Good Friday Zoom Meeting THIS Evening

April 10th, 2020 at 12:34 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, Blessed Holy Week! We continue on this journey of hearing and remembering the story of how God turned death into new life. Especially when this time feels so laden with death and despair, we trust that the promise that death an ...

Holy Week at Hot Metal

April 7th, 2020 at 6:13 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, We enter another week of the stay-at-home order here in Pennsylvania. Perhaps you feel a strange new rhythm starting to take place. And yet, this week is different than the other weeks, because this week also marks Holy Week-wh ...

A New Month

April 3rd, 2020 at 1:27 pm EDT

Dear Hot Metal Family, We are officially in a new month, with that whole month looking like it will be defined by social distancing and physical isolation. There is already a lot of grief and uncertainty. I know I have found myself feeling numb to th ...