Subject: Who is the Sojourner?

  HMBFC ____
Spiritual Formation Kit
DIY Bible study
Each week, this devotional for the forty days of Lent will consider passages, mostly from the Hebrew Bible, that stress God’s love for diversity.  Each weekday the devotional reading will consider one particular aspect of that week’s Scripture readings, concluding with a prayer. 

Our emphasis throughout will be not so much on the negative—that racism and exclusion are unacceptable (although of course they are!)—but on the positive: that God has created us in all our racial and  cultural and sexual diversity, and that God loves and values us in and for our differences, not in spite of them.

On each Sunday, the Gospel for that day from the lectionary will be presented without comment. You are invited to meditate on these Gospel readings by observing the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina.  This Christian discipline involves reading the Gospel slowly and carefully, attentive to what is said, and also striving with a Spirit-inspired imagination to be present within the narrative.

God bless you as you read, reflect, and pray through this season of repentance and preparation.

God's peace,
Steve Tuell

This week's devotional reading
Read daily meditations on the Hebrew Scriptures by Dr. Tuell

This Sunday's gospel reading
Click to read this week's passage

Reflection Questions
Guide discussion with these questions or ask your own.
1) Compare the status of "sojourners" in ancient Israel to those of immigrants in the United States. To what extent should Christians today apply these Jewish laws?

2) What thoughts or phrases from the scripture readings left an impression with you this week?

3) What ideas from Dr. Tuell's meditations stirred your imagination this week?

4) The prophet Ezekiel identifies the sin of Sodom as cruelty to the poor. But the most popular understanding of the story of Sodom is that God destroyed it because of homosexual activity. Why do you think this interpretation became more common?

5) Describe the connections you see between the reflections on Hebrew Scriptures and Matthew 21:1-11.

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East End
/ Tuesdays @ 7:30pm / Seth LeDonne
/ Thursdays @ 7pm / Penny Lyon
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