Subject: This Week at Hot Metal: POTLUCK SUNDAY🍽️

Free Market thanks


Thank you to everyone who helped make the Free Market such a hit! (Especially to Suzanne!!) We unloaded a LOT of baggage... literally, but also maybe a little bit metaphorically. 😉 We're inching closer to a new chapter, one step at a time, and this was a really important step to take together.

Potluck Sunday

This Sunday, August 25 @ 10:30 AM

One of the most fundamental and precious values of Hot Metal over the years has been the sharing of meals with one another. This is a chance for us to connect, catch up, and sit across the table from one another.

Last Name A-I: Bring a main dish

Last Name J-R: Bring a salad or side

Last Name S-Z: Bring a desert and plan to stay after to help clean up

Note: We rotate this to share clean up duties next time

Preaching This Sunday: Rev. Jocelyn Johnston

Jocelyn is a Lutheran pastor and serves on the Authentic Diversity and Justice Committee and Hunger Elimination Task Force of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod.

Brunch Bunch: Sept 12 @ 10 AM


Honoring our limited bandwidth as a (for the moment) volunteer-led team, we're having services every-other Sunday. Keep an eye on these emails, alternate community gatherings and projects will pop up during Sundays off.

  • 9/1 - Week Off

  • 9/8 - Regular Service

  • 9/15 - Week Off (Lauren is hosting a hike instead! Details TBA.)

  • 9/22 - Regular Service & Potluck Sunday

  • 9/29 - Week Off


If you are in need of pastoral care, the wonderful Rev. Elizabeth Ross has graciously agreed to be available to our community during this time. Her email is:

Sunday Worship Service
@ 10:30am
In-Person & on Zoom

Meeting ID: 789 826 837
(No Password Needed)

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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