Subject: The Listening Season

Dear Hot Metal Community,

We'll continue in our mini-season of rooting our worship and reflection in the Psalms. Psalm 27 offers words of praise to God because the psalmist has been able to find a safe dwelling in God's love. 

What are the building blocks of a place built in God's love? Like Mr. Rogers said, "Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now." What are the actions we can take, as individuals and a community, to show that we are a reflection of the safe dwelling the Divine offers all? 

I hope you will join us on Sunday at 10:30, either in the building or on Zoom, as we think and pray about the actions and building we do together to show God's love. 

In Peace,

Pastor Erin

SAVE THE DATE: Ash Wednesday, February 22! 

Lent is almost upon us! Plan on marking this holy day either with receiving Ashes-to-Go at Big Dog Coffee in the morning, or during worship at 7pm (also via Zoom). Be on the lookout for other Lent plans as they approach! 

Erin Angeli's Ordination! 

February 4 at 3:30pm at the Community of Reconciliation! Join our friends at the Commonwealth of Oakland to celebrate with Erin as she is ordained as a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), and as their pastor. The service for ordination will be 3:30-5:00 with light refreshments to follow.

Hot Metal Worship: NOW WITH COFFEE - Sign up to be a Coffee Host

Help us create a space for community, connection, and caffeine on Sunday mornings! Coffee Hosts will show up around 9:30am to make the coffee, set up the coffee station, and greet people as they arrive for worship. After worship, they clean up and wash mugs. Instructions are available and Pastor Erin is around for troubleshooting! Providing goodies is always appreciated, but optional! Sign up here. 

Compassion Team's Listening Season - February 19-April 9

The Compassion Team (and friends) will lead us in a Lent-long “Listening Season.” Sign Up for a 1-to-1 conversation with a team member, and share your story, passion, and heart. We have a goal of listening to 66 people! By hearing all our stories, we’ll be able to discern together where the next chapter of Hot Metal is going to go! 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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