Subject: Returning with Hope


You hopefully received our last email, where we reflected on how rhythms of exile and return, diaspora and homecoming, have always been a part of Christian life. And that’s true.

It’s also true, though, that the Covid-19 pandemic has been a season of separation like no other we’ve ever known. As we look ahead to Hot Metal’s next chapter, we may never appreciate the power of gathering together in person more than we do today.

The beauty of worship — gathering together in the midst of a world full of distance. The wonder of music — singing together in the midst of a world full of silence and loneliness. The sweetness of sacraments — celebrating together the waters of baptism and the nourishment of Communion in the midst of a world full of dust and hunger. And the joy of service — working together in the midst of a world full of broken systems and broken hearts.

In short, if the world is full of exile, Hot Metal is a community of return. A place to come home to, again and again. A congregation in which we can tangibly experience God’s ancient promise to “bring you back to this place,” and “give you a future with hope.”

And here’s one more thing that’s true: even when this pandemic is a distant memory, the world will still be full of need. Still longing for home, for community, for reunion, for return.

That’s why we’re here. That’s who we are: a waystation of hope along life’s way. It’s the same reason God chose to be born with us as Jesus of Nazareth, to help us build bridges of connection and companionship — so that everyone might experience a homecoming to God’s new world of joy, justice, and love.

We continue to give thanks for those who have contributed to our “Raise the Roof” campaign, making sure the building we are stewards of is well cared for and can be a place of return and renewal. We are just about at $10,000 of our $25,000 goal. Thank you for your continued support! 

So keep praying and giving thanks for all the ways our faith, our prayers, our worship, our music, our sacraments, our building, our service, and our lives help bridge the gaps that divide creation. And we’ll see you for Giving Sunday on November 14th, our grand celebration of God’s gift of “a future with hope.”


Pastor Erin Jones

On behalf of the Council and Finance Committee

A Giving Prayer

As we build “a future with hope” together, you are invited to pray this “Giving Prayer” daily. Find a quiet moment, center your heart, notice the steam rising from your cup of tea or the breeze moving through the trees, and pray this lovely prayer written by our own Megan Lindsey.

Giver of breath and bread:

You are the creator God who raises us up from dust to infinity.

You are the sustainer of all life.

You are the source of every beautiful thing in our world and in this faith community.

Show us how to stop measuring, counting, and weighing our material worth and our worldly success.

Expel from us our fear of scarcity and our addiction to luxury.

Grow in us a generosity that sees past the borders of our familiar neighborhoods and beyond the boundaries of our mortal lives.

Remind us daily to practice a simplicity centered on Jesus.

For in giving, we receive.

In forgiving, we are pardoned.

And in embracing the needs of the other, we find ourselves held.

We commit to placing our treasure in you, for in doing so, we trust that we will discover our own hearts.


Leadership Nominations!

Giving and Stewardship is more than financial contributions. If you are discerning ways to contribute your time and gifts to this community, please consider nominating yourself or someone else for our ministry teams. Fill out this form by November 8th!

The above chart is a tool to help you discern how God might be calling you to give. There is no recommended or required level of giving! We just asked that you enter into honest prayer with God.

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