Subject: It's a POTLUCK SUNDAY! 🥳

Potluck Sunday

THIS SUNDAY, June 30 @ 10:30 AM

One of the most fundamental and precious values of Hot Metal over the years has been the sharing of meals with one another. This is a chance for us to connect, catch up, and sit across the table from one another.

Last Name A-I: Bring a salad or side

Last Name J-R: Bring a desert and plan to stay after to help clean up

Last Name S-Z: Bring a main dish

Note: We rotate this to share clean up duties next time

“The future is ours to create.“

Sunday, July 14 @ 10 AM - 2 PM

Save the date for a longer-than-usual Sunday, we’re looking forward at what Hot Metal will grow into. Not quite a full retreat, more than a worship service. With the help of a skilled discernment facilitator, Kate Davoli, we’ll try to uncover the answers to four questions essential to our path forward:
1) Who are we? 2) Who is God? 3) What do we want? 4) What does God want?


Coffee & snacks will start at 10 AM. And we're going to try something new for Hot Metal: starting on time at 10:30 sharp. 🤯 Please help us plan for food & childcare by filling out this RSVP form >>

Antiracism as a Way of Being

Free Training

Sponsored by the Anti-Racism Transformation Team (ARTT) of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, this six-module online training is free to members of Pittsburgh Presbytery... that's you. If covers topics like, What does antiracism require of you? How are different forms of oppression linked? What embodied values will transform our institutions and ourselves? What makes our lives, our very beings, an act of resistance? Learn More Here >>


If you are in need of pastoral care, the wonderful Rev. Elizabeth Ross has graciously agreed to be available to our community during this time. Her email is:

Sunday Worship Service
@ 10:30am
In-Person & on Zoom

Meeting ID: 789 826 837
(No Password Needed)

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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