Subject: Happy New Year!

Dear Hot Metal Community! 

This Sunday we'll celebrate the day of Epiphany, and hear the story of the Magi who followed a star to find the Christ Child. We'll continue our annual practice of choosing a "Star Word." Here's some background on this practice, from A Sanctified Art:

What are Star Words?
The use of star words, also called “star gifts,” is a prayer practice connected to Epiphany and the new year that has been growing in popularity in Protestant churches for nearly a decade now. The idea is that a list of intention words, or guiding words, are written or printed on paper stars. These paper stars are then arranged, most commonly face down, on the Communion Table or in a large basket. At some point during your Epiphany service, individuals are invited to draw a word from the basket or off the Table, and to use that word as a guiding word throughout the year. Typically, participants are encouraged to trust the word they have drawn, and not to replace the word. However, there is not a strong need to be the “star police” if an individual wants to trade. Individuals are often encouraged to place their star word somewhere they will see it regularly throughout the year to allow consistent reflection on how God has moved through, around, or in connection to that word.

There Are Several Theological Statements Being Made in this Tradition
1. The Magi followed a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus. Therefore, we too use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the new year— to move closer to Jesus.
2. We trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words are one such lens that might provide us a way to look for God in our midst, both actively and in hindsight.
3. We trust that it is often easy to miss God in our daily midst. Having an intention word to consider both in present days, as well as to reflect on at the end of the year, allows for us to see God in ways we may not have seen God before. This is the greatest gift.
4. We know that the most common prayer practice for many involves speaking to God as opposed to silence or contemplation. We believe that star words invite a new prayer rhythm of reflection and review that can be a powerful new way to connect with God.
5. By not looking or sorting through the star words at their selection, we practice the spiritual task of receiving. It is not we who are in control in this moment. Instead, we trust that God is present, and we let go of our desire to cultivate or control.

We hope to see you on Sunday as we receive these gifts together! In person or on Zoom!


Pastor Erin

Help Un-Decorate on Sunday

As we wrap up the holy season of Christmas, it's time to take down the decorations and move into the next chapter of the liturgical year. All help is welcome after worship this Sunday!

Support Group for Young Women Grieving Violence 

On Tuesdays, beginning December 6, from 4-5:30pm gather with young women (ages 16-24) grieving the aftermath of gun violence, and other forms of violence. Our therapist and pastor will be present to lead this group, and create safe and sacred space for sharing and processing and beginning to heal. This group is designed especially for young women of color in the aftermath of gun violence throughout the city. Contact therapist LaChan Russell at 412-376-7559 or

Hot Metal Worship: NOW WITH COFFEE - Sign up to be a Coffee Host

Help us create a space for community, connection, and caffeine on Sunday mornings! Coffee Hosts will show up around 9:30am to make the coffee, set up the coffee station, and greet people as they arrive for worship. After worship, they clean up and wash mugs. Instructions are available and Pastor Erin is around for troubleshooting! Providing goodies is always appreciated, but optional! Sign up here. 

Winter Nurturing Group

Why is money important? What good can come from talking about money, isn’t it the “root of all evil”? What is stewardship and why does my pastor keep asking for money? How can I think about generosity and money in new ways? 

If you’ve ever thought of any of these questions, join us on Tuesdays at 8pm starting January 10th for 5 weeks as we discuss The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist. Sign up for more information or to request Pastor Erin order the book for you here:

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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