Subject: Finding belonging and purpose

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Our weekly fellowship meal creates space to connect with each other, share God's gifts and feel like we belong.
It takes some effort to pull off a big meal every week. But these are some of the results that keep our kitchen team motivated!
We need some more folks to join them in this vital ministry. So the team has retooled the details so it's easier to get started.

For one thing, we've changed the schedule a bit. There's still a meal every week but now the month looks like this:
  • Week 1: someone cooks
  • Week 2: someone cooks
  • Week 3: someone cooks
  • Week 4: potluck - lotsa people cook
  • Fifth Sundays: PIZZA PARTY
And if you're feeling nervous about cooking a big meal for the first time, just ask for a cooking buddy - someone who's done it before and can show you the ropes! Make a friend!

We've also simplified cleanup so fewer people can finish it in less time!

Click the button for more details about volunteer roles and to sign up to do something in September, October, or November.
2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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