Subject: Big Vote Sunday + No Service This Weekend


Sunday, May 26

During our season of being volunteer led, it's a good idea to take breaks, conserve energy, and avoid burnout for the long game. There will be no church service on Memorial Day Weekend, that goes for both in-person & online. Enjoy your free day!

What You Can Do Instead:


Our community is mourning the death of Karen Gelnet, and keeping John Gelnet in our prayers.

Newest Hot Metaller, Avery, was born to Melanie and Nathan Rosswog!

Big Vote Sunday

Sunday, June 2 @ 10:30 PM

Our discernment workshop this past Sunday (aka "See You at the Crossroads") helped us imagine our future down two paths and hear each other's perspectives and ideas regarding whether we need to lean in hard to funding our budget deficit, or whether it's time to sell our building in order to move into something new. Big thanks to Rev. Erin Angeli for facilitating that experience!

There will be a congregational vote on the sale of the 2700 Jane Street property on June 2nd after worship. Everyone in this faith community gets to share their voice and vote, either in-person or online. (No proxy or absentee votes are able to be accepted. Womp womp.)

It's a big step for our community, and the good news is that we get to be in it together. The even better news is that Matthew 18 says, "When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”* So... here we go!

The Brunch Bunch

Saturday, June 15 @ 10 AM

The Brunch Bunch is a set-aside fellowship and dreaming time to meet up and get to know each other better and enjoy together. Please rsvp to Joel so we can give the restaurant a headcount at least a day before.

Potluck Sunday

Sunday, June 30 @ 10:30 AM

One of the most fundamental and precious values of Hot Metal over the years has been the sharing of meals with one another. This is a chance for us to connect, catch up, and sit across the table from one another.

Last Name A-I: Bring a salad or side

Last Name J-R: Bring a desert and plan to stay after to help clean up

Last Name S-Z: Bring a main dish

Note: We rotate this to share clean up duties next time

Sunday Worship Service
@ 10:30am
In-Person & on Zoom

Meeting ID: 789 826 837
(No Password Needed)

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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