Subject: An Update from the Task Force

An update from the Task Force...
In the light of changes in our community--both Mike & Dylan moving on to new opportunities--a special task force was formed to help create a plan to get by in the short term, & then to cast a new vision of our ideal staff structure for the long run. The task force (nickname coming soon) is made up of Beth Creps & Dan Frayer-Griggs (Council), Jeff Densmore (Finance Committee), Emma Orbin & Lauren Wolcott (Personnel Committee), & Beth Jeffries (Compassion Team). They met at the leadership retreat this past weekend & spoke with Brian Wallace who will be our teammate & supporter from the Pittsburgh Presbytery during this transition. The first goalpost is to create the short term recommendation to keep the wheels turning at Hot Metal for the immediate future & present it to Council at their September meeting. As the task force continues to meet, they will provide regular updates to the congregation. Feel free to reach out to any of those members if you have concerns or want to offer feedback. -- Lauren Wolcott (

Worship Preview // SEPT 9 // Mark 1:29-45 // Jesus. Alone. Prays. Do you live in freedom or fear? Pastor Jeff reflects on this question as he turns the big 5-0. Sherri Lynn will also share about the freedom she has experienced in her life of recovery.

Sacred Space: A Community of Practice // SUN SEP 9 @ 6PM // Join us for a time of contemplative prayer.

Kintsugi Worship // SUN SEP 9 @ 7PM //  Engaging our mental health through worship using a time of prayer, sharing, and communion to engage our mental health with our spirituality.

Congregational Meeting // SUN SEPT 9 // There will be a brief meeting following worship in order to vote to – in fancy Presbyterian Church USA terms - “dissolve the pastoral relationship” with Mike so that he is free to work full-time for The Commonwealth of Oakland beginning in October.

Cook for The Table // SEP 13 and OCT 4, 16, 18 // The Table is looking for cooks for the fall. Funds are available for ingredients and such! Email for more details and to sign up.

Recovery Walk! // SAT SEPT 15 // Strip District // The Pittsburgh Recovery Walk is an event that aims to dispel the negative stigma associated with recovery from addiction, and instead celebrate the many roads to recovery and all those who have traveled them.  If you would like to walk in support of recovery contact Sherri Lynn at

Potluck Sunday // SEP 23 @ 12pm-ish // main hall // Bring something tasty to share for our fellowship meal! 
September Collection // THRU SEP 30 // main hall // The Compassion Team is collecting two items from the North Side Food Pantry's wish list: Hamburger Helper and hearty soup (think full-meal-in-a-can). You can bring donations to HMBFC any Sunday in September. Or you can purchase items online using the pantry's Amazon wishlist. Fun bonus: use this AmazonSmile link to make your purchase (or any purchase) and a portion of your total will be donated to HMBFC!

Contemplative Prayer // SAT OCT 13 from 8:30am-2pm // Pastor Jeff will be leading a 6-week contemplative prayer experience beginning with a retreat day on Saturday, October 13.
The retreat day will be followed by a 6-week Monday evening gathering starting on October 22 at 7pm. For more information or to sign up for the group email Pastor Jeff at
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Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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