Subject: A Future With Hope - Join us on Sunday!


Over the last four weeks, we’ve been thinking and praying together about how Christian life includes cycles of exile and return. We’ve given thanks for the tools that God has given us to connect even in diaspora, to be together in Spirit even when we aren’t together in body.

And yet: there’s one more step in the dance of Christian life. 

There is exile, there is return, and then there is a third movement: being sent back out into the world for the sake of our neighbors and creation as a whole. It’s being commissioned, sent for the sake of God’s love and justice, God’s future of hope. 

Hot Metal  is a community of return, a place of homecoming. And it’s also a community of sending, a place that commissions us as agents of God’s love and grace, so that all may experience a sense of homecoming into God’s new world of compassion, dignity, and joy.

This Sunday is Giving Sunday, followed by our All Church Meeting. Hopefully you’ve been praying this year’s Giving Prayer by Megan Lindsey over these last weeks. Hopefully your prayers are helping to clarify how, with the Spirit’s wisdom, you can contribute to the ongoing returning and sending that makes Hot Metal who we are today, and who we’ll be tomorrow.

Christianity was made for this: building bridges of homecoming and commissioning, sending and return, welcoming the stranger and being sent forth to visit the sick and imprisoned. Hot Metal is made for it, too, as is each one of us, a child of God in the image of God. To be clear, though: we are made to do this together, offering up all our skills, our hopes, our ideas, our money, and our hearts to answer God’s call.

So find the blank pledge card we sent you a few weeks ago (or we’ve put it below if you’ve lost it, and we’ll have some in-person), and plan on joining us on Sunday, on Zoom or in person. With a past so full of grace, our future, thanks be to God, is likewise full of hope.

Thank you for your generosity and leadership — and see you Sunday!


Rev. Erin Jones

On behalf of the Council and Finance Committee

A Giving Prayer

As we build “a future with hope” together, you are invited to pray this “Giving Prayer” daily. Find a quiet moment, center your heart, notice the steam rising from your cup of tea or the breeze moving through the trees, and pray this lovely prayer written by our own Megan Lindsey.

Giver of breath and bread:

You are the creator God who raises us up from dust to infinity.

You are the sustainer of all life.

You are the source of every beautiful thing in our world and in this faith community.

Show us how to stop measuring, counting, and weighing our material worth and our worldly success.

Expel from us our fear of scarcity and our addiction to luxury.

Grow in us a generosity that sees past the borders of our familiar neighborhoods and beyond the boundaries of our mortal lives.

Remind us daily to practice a simplicity centered on Jesus.

For in giving, we receive.

In forgiving, we are pardoned.

And in embracing the needs of the other, we find ourselves held.

We commit to placing our treasure in you, for in doing so, we trust that we will discover our own hearts.


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