Subject: Thank You!

Hi Friend,

I am following up with the email I sent you yesterday.

First, I just want to say, "Thanks for checking out - Keystone Hospitality Development Consulting”

I have heard from some hospitality property owners who appreciated the effort we put into the “Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials.

Many have told me how both their patronage and profit has improved after learning some of the tips and techniques from the course.

So I said to myself, "It would be wonderful to grow the number of hospitality property owners who could benefit from these training tutorials. Why not give more hospitality properties the opportunity to enhance the marketing strategy without a major commitment. I checked with my colleagues and they agreed. We have decided to give you the Full “Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials for only $95.  

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Plus you will also get Free Lifetime Membership to the Hospitality Property School Group (current membership fee is $37 per month)  


That's amazing…. You will get both  

“Guide to Operating an Independent Hotel or Bed & Breakfast” Training Tutorials
Hospitality Property School Group  

Go here right now and claim your video before this offer expires.  

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Talk soon, Gerry  

P.S. This offer is only for a select few and will end without notice.

If you are truly serious about growing your image and improving your patronage and profit…then go here now:

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