Subject: Where do you want to be?

It's one of life's most important questions:

Where do I want to be?

Hi Friend,

I am working on the planner that Ralph gave me for Christmas and in it there are a bunch of thought provoking questions in it. The first one is: What brings me joy and good feelings in life? What am I passionate about? What would I do if money wasn’t an issue? These 3 questions have overwhelmed my morning because I am passionate about so many things!

For those of you who know me you have watched me flitting from one thing to another my whole life. I enjoy so many things and at times I feel like being gifted with so many talents is a curse rather than a blessing but I know that is not true. I just need to figure out which balls to put in the air when and for what reason. I think we all struggle with living our purpose at times.

We get so caught up in working to make money so we can buy stuff, often stuff we don’t need or eventually want. The landfills are full of “stuff” so this year I want to get rid of stuff and put it in the “blessing box” so it can bless someone else this year.

I am also going to continue to take time listening to what God would have me do so the people He brings into my life will also be blessed by the experience, strength and HOPE he has given me. Then I will pass on the Help Opportunity Praise and Encouragement that I have received from others, so they can pay it forward as well.

In the meantime I will strive to live a simple life and whether it is in a van down by a mountain,, a desert, a river, ocean or a lake like the one at DC Everest Park in Wausau, WI that I go to regularly in the summer, I will seek to be at peace with God and my fellow man… and woman. I will also seek to be somewhere warmer in the winter than Wisconsin!!



Linda Larson Schlitz

How about you?

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