Subject: Thanks for joining! Here's the meeting link!

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I'm Linda and I started my journey of sobriety in September of 1976.  It was hard to admit then and even harder in 1996 when I was a professional counselor and had fallen back into drinking to the point that it had more of a hold on me than I had on it! 

I was also a church and community leader and it is really hard for those of us who know better to admit we have been beaten by an addiction that others who haven't experienced simply don't understand.  It is not quite as simple as "just say no." 

What we have to remember is that  the Bible reminds us that "All we like sheep have gone astray...each of us has gone our own way" it is not just me and you. EVERYONE sins. We can't let our challenges shame us into silence. Today is a new day and we have a Savior that has won the battle and He is ready to offer victory to all who ask. 

This is my mission in life so I hope you will let me help you. 

Linda Larson Schlitz, 706 South 5th Ave, Wausau, WI 54401, United States
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