Subject: Steps 4 & 5 will change your life!


Hi Friend

I pray your week has gone well and you have made some time to work on the 4th Step. I know it is a massive assignment! You don't have to do EVERYTHING at once. At least get started. We will continue to revisit things as we work through the rest of the steps and you can ALWAYS go back over Step 4 and 5 and do more. That is where "continued to take an inventory" step is all about so don't beat yourself up if it isn't totally done. Here is where we are heading next.


STEP 5 -Admitting the Exact Nature of Your Wrongs

The hard part was done in Step 4. Trust me, after you finish this step you will feel a whole lot better. Listen to the video!




Many times the process of looking at all we have done and have left undone overwhelmes us and may even spiral some people into a depression if it is not kept in perspective. This video should clear that up for you. God will wash it all away if you let Him. Click the pic to watch 10th Avenue North's song

 "You are More"


Below you can click on the link to get the worksheet for this week. If you don't have a journal I suggest you get one or even a notebook. Writing your conversations with God is how my book got started and it is very therapeutic to go back and read His words to me over and over again.

On Sunday's we go over the assignment from the week before so tomorrow at 2pm we will be going over the 4th Step and how it went for you and then we will talk about this next weeks assignment. Here is the link to this weeks PDF and the Zoom meeting Link.

Join the Zoom Meeting Sunday at 2pm cst

If you have not met with me yet and would like to please text me at 715-212-2339 or go to my website and set up a free coaching call.

If you didn't get last weeks 4th step worksheet you can go HERE

If you are not getting my daily meditations you can sign up to get them HERE

If you want to join us for a recovery support group on Saturday mornings at 10:30 just go HERE

If you aren't in our private group where we do our daily Goal setting and accountability, Ralph and I do a live video of my meditation book and we share other inspiring and supportive things, please go HERE

If you aren't connected with me yet please follow me on my social media!

My prayers are with you!

Love, Linda


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