Subject: Exciting Life Altering Changes in My Life

Hello My Dear Friend!!

I wanted to take a few minutes and update you on some awesome changes that have happened in the last 24 hours that have led me to this email and the direction life is going for me.

For the last 7 years I have been floundering online trying to clarify a direction without a clear vision. Today I have it so I wanted to let you know in case you no longer want to be on my email list because my purpose does not resonate with yours.

As you can tell from the header my focus is helping people in their recovery process to stay off of alcohol, drugs or whatever else that gets them off the path of doing their God given purpose. It could even be food or any other addiction for that matter. With that in mind we probably all could benefit with more tools.

So in short, I am inviting you to join me in sharing the message of HOPE to those who are struggling because people are dying from alcohol and drug overdoses at an alarming rate. Women's alcohol related deaths are up 85% in the last 10 years and it matters that WE do something.

I have a LARGE arsenal of services to offer people that I would love for you to share starting with this amazing Summit I am doing with 11 other incredible speakers where you will get...
*Tools to manage Wine o clock
*Tips to deal with a loved one's drinking

*Where to get help and support

*How to get someone into treatment
*Impact of alcohol on family
*The mental and emotional implications
*The spiritual issues that can help or hinder

*And during the summit a 50% discount on my 12 week "Purpose Driven Academy Program" for those who need help or want training to help others.

The 7 days of live webinars will be broadcast on Zoom and on Facebook.


Watch this short video to learn more about why you and those you love should attend the summit.

You can also click on the summit link to learn about the speakers

YOU WILL BE GETTING A LOT MORE information from now until the end of the year to be sure you have every opportunity to reach your friends and families with awesome content that will help them start the new year on the right foot.

I won't be offended if you opt-out of getting my emails but I did want to warn you that from now until the end of the year you will be getting a lot of them.


Just click the picture

That's it for this one! The next one I will give you some great ideas on how to give the gift of sobriety! ( like ordering my book on Amazon) oh heck I'll give you that right now...why wait just click the pic!

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