Subject: The art of dying well - Free Conference tomorrow!

Dear Friend,

At birth and at death, the boundaries between the worlds dissolve and sacred pathways open up between dimensions. A holy transition takes place.

Death is only the end of this life in this dimension. We release our physicality and transform into a being of subtle energies and light. Profound questions find their answers: Is there a God? What’s really on the other side? Are those who’ve gone before waiting for me? 

Yet most of us spend our lives avoiding thoughts about our own and others’ departures. We associate death with suffering and loss, pain and crisis, fears and tears. We receive and communicate the usual condolences, but their comfort and meaning may feel superficial. 

This denial and avoidance can actually diminish the quality of our lives, negatively influencing our mental wellbeing and physical health. 

The whole way we think and feel about death needs to transform, says William Bloom, described by Yoga Magazine as “a modern Western mystic considered by many to be Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher.” He is also a prolific author with 26 books on holistic health and spiritual wellbeing to his credit.

On Saturday, April 30, William will inclusively and encouragingly share how you can transform feeling disconnected from death…

… into a life-changing and life-affirming connection to a higher, more loving cosmic realm that becomes easier to access as we approach or prepare for the end of life, however far in advance.

You can register here for The Art of Dying Well: Making the Transfer of Consciousness a Calm & Graceful Event for You & Your Loved Ones

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Be introduced to how you can transform normal anxieties around the end of life into lighter acceptance and wisdom

  • Envision, during a guided exercise, your path into the clear light of the beyond — and feel what awaits you there 

  • See how to apply this new understanding so you can approach your death or others’ with confidence and calm 

  • Begin amassing the skills, compassion, and strength to be of useful service when faced with end-of-life emergencies and disasters

  • Come to embrace the whole of your life’s journey and, in doing so, free yourself to experience the richness of the here and now

By learning how to die well — and how to support others in doing the same — you ensure that you’re not living in denial. You transform that which you may fear into a liberating truth by which to live a fuller life.

Seeing death, thinking about it, and regarding it as a gateway to be welcomed — instead of something hard and horrible — can clear the clouds of denial and open your skies to a life that’s evermore rich, full, and real.

You can RSVP for free here

Blessings for you

With Love, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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