Subject: Learn how to activate mystical states of consciousness with SOMA Breathwork

Dear Friend,

What if you could shift the very foundations of who you are in a way that opened you to vast new possibilities

According to breathwork pioneer Niraj Naik, once you understand who you truly are and become aware of your patterns in a visceral way — you can fulfill the vision you have for your best life. 

Niraj’s SOMA Breathwork method lets you enter into ecstatic states from which you can reprogram yourself and your life. His breathwork approach uses ancient yogic breathing practices to provide a lasting, drug-free approach to reaching enlightened states of consciousness.

Join us as Niraj shares how SOMA Breathwork activates your mystical and transformative states of consciousness — so you can release old patterns and evolve into the best version of yourself. 

You can register here for Experience the Limitless SOMA Breathwork Technique: Renewing Your Body & Re-Engineering Your Life Through the Breath

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a core SOMA Breathwork technique, “Limitless”  — a rhythmic breathing guided meditation set to music — to open your mind and visualize a limitless world with infinite possibilities

  • Discover how SOMA Breathwork serves as pranayama for the modern age, enabling you to apply ancient spiritual practices to your daily life 

  • Identify what it means to become what Niraj calls your own “software programmer” — as you recreate yourself using the breath

  • Examine how breathing techniques can function as your inner pharmacy

  • Explore what it means to spiritually awaken through your breath

You can RSVP for free here

Hope this can be a blessing for you

With Love, Stela Ahau


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