Subject: Identify your current metabolic energy to determine the best healing herbs for you

Dear Friend,

According to Ayurvedic wisdom, there are inextricable connections between the mind, body, and spirit — and your metabolic makeup can provide key information about how your specific system works.

When you understand your metabolic makeup — whether it’s fast-moving and prone to ungroundedness or slower-moving and prone to lethargy — you can remedy your imbalances before health challenges can set in.

Ayurveda, the ancient sister science of yoga, is a complete system for living that not only gives us insight into our core energetics and metabolic patterns — known as doshas — it also includes a sophisticated system of herbal medicine specific to your makeup.

When you become familiar with your doshas, you can determine which herbs are right for you — to get to the root of what ails you.

You can improve your health and wellbeing — and evolve spiritually as well.

On Saturday, May 28, world-renowned herbalist K.P. Khalsa will help you understand how doshas connect to Ayurvedic herbs — and how you can use them to heal from dis-ease, expand your mind, and propel your spiritual journey.

You can register here for Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy to Determine the Best Healing Herbs for You: An Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health

In this highly informative free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The Ayurvedic approach to working with people’s energetics — how they affect health and promote illness, and how to match them with herbs to balance them

  • An herb that can cool down inflammation and help manage difficult moods, fever, anger, and intensity

  • An herb that can gently reduce constipation, anxiety, and insomnia — while promoting spiritual growth 

  • An herb that can relax the mind and improve learning and memory — and one that helps cultivate beautiful skin 

  • A guided meditation to connect with and identify the metabolic energies in your body, enabling you to sense how you’d feel if you were more balanced — and imagine the ideal herb that would create that transformation.

When you understand your energetic makeup and use the right herbs, over time you can improve your digestion and sleep, reduce joint and muscle pain, regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol, and much more. 

You can RSVP for free here

Hope this can be a blessing for you

With Love, Stela Ahau


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