Dear Friend,
What would you like your life to look like five years from now?
Integrative medicine expert Dr. Keesha Ewers says your current physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual habits predict this future.
She refers to our negative habits as the karma of trauma — the disruptive imprints that we create and then repeat in every facet of our lives through our perceptions of ourselves and our world.
Too often, these energetic patterns prevent us from fully and consistently accessing the portal to our higher selves, our wisdom guides, the collective unconscious, and the Akashic records.
Our karmic patterns are what we make of them, however…
Bringing compassionate curiosity, awake awareness, and self-inquiry to each thought, feeling, and experience creates resilience…
… and allows for a shift in karma and a more loving and compassionate way of being in the world with self and others.
Join us for Dr. Keesha’s free online event to explore the five karmic fractals of early childhood trauma and stress…
… and be guided in a potent meditation to track and begin to repattern them in your body, aligning your whole being with the best version of health and life that you envision for yourself.
Board-certified in functional and Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. Keesha has helped thousands shift out of the karma of trauma through a rich fusion of Eastern wisdom teachings and practices — and practical steps that detoxify the mind, emotions, body, and spirit.
You can register here for Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning