Subject: Gain insights into your relationship dynamics through the Enneagram - Free Class

Hi Friend,

Hope you're having a great day, just want to remember you about this free class with personality coaches Suzanne Dion and Sean Palmer, that will teach you a method for responding to other people and life situations that can create space for understanding — without compromising your own truth or shrinking yourself to appease someone else.

When you join them for this heart-opening event, you’ll discover that there’s hope, and that you can change your relationships to be more compassionate, understanding, and in alignment with your greatest desires for peace, health, and happiness.

You can register for FREE here for Alchemy to Awaken the Ancestral Healer Within: Connect to Your Soul’s Sacred Trickster to Activate Your Spiritual Gifts

P.S. In Empower Your Relationships With the Enneagram: Discover Strategies for Emotional Literacy in Intimacy, Growth & Healing with Suzanne Dion and Sean Palmer…

… you’ll gain insights into your relationship dynamics through the Enneagram, and discover how you can relate better and hurt less by developing greater openness, acceptance, and compassion.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available

You can RSVP for free here

Emerald Green & Ceeport, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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