Subject: Free video event - Experience the limitless SOMA Breathwork technique

Hi Friend,

Hope you're having a great day, today I want to remember you about this free video event with breathwork pioneer Niraj Naik where you’ll begin to open your mind and visualize a world with vastly expanded possibilities as Niraj guides you through a core SOMA Breath technique, “Limitless”  — a rhythmic breathing meditation set to music. 

You’ll discover how to use your breath — or as Niraj calls it, the remote control of your mind, body, and spirit — so you can be at your best, every single day.

True transformation happens when higher codes of consciousness are activated using your breath. From this state, it’s possible to reset, reprogram, and upgrade yourself and your life. 

You can register for FREE here for Experience the Limitless SOMA Breathwork Technique: Renewing Your Body & Re-Engineering Your Life Through the Breath

P.S. In Experience the Limitless SOMA Breathwork Technique: Renewing Your Body & Re-Engineering Your Life Through the Breath with Niraj Naik…

… you’ll learn how to activate mystical and transformative states of consciousness with SOMA Breathwork — so you can discover your truth, heal from the past, and envision an exciting future.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available

You can RSVP for free here

With Love, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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