Subject: Free Event - Explore Mary Magdalene’s journey of feminine embodiment

Dear Friend,

For thousands of years, our world has been missing an essential voice — the lost presence of the embodied, spiritually mature Divine Feminine.

Our culture’s patriarchal system has too often fueled superiority, white supremacy, misogyny, and slavery — and a hierarchy of “one God” has long held center stage…

… while the feminine face of God has been ridiculed, shamed, and marginalized, says psychotherapist, ordained priestess, and Priestess Presence Temple founder Elayne Kalila Doughty.

As a result, we’ve lost our feminine voice and power — both individually and collectively.

At this pivotal point in history, many spiritual seekers may feel a desire to connect in a deeper way with Mary Magdalene — a long-suppressed, but never forgotten, feminine face of the Divine.

This October, with Elayne Kalila, you’ll learn about the journey of Mary Magdalene’s conscious descent into the underworld — and how it serves as a blueprint for coming down and into your own humanity… so you can reclaim your feminine power and voice.

You can register here for Mary Magdalene’s Journey of Feminine Embodiment: How Her Descent Into the Underworld Can Inspire Your Own Awakening:

You can register FREE here

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The 7 gateways that represent the Divine Feminine Mystery

  • Why Mary Magdalene went into the underworld by choice — and why you’re being called to choose to do so as well

  • How Magdalene became labeled as “the fallen woman” — and why she embodies how our spiritual development is innately linked to our own imperfect and fallible human journey

  • A guided meditation to connect with the heart of your humanity — as you begin to awaken the conscious choice to enter into the mystery of the underworld

  • The blueprint Magdalene offers us all for the feminine journey of embodiment — and how we can embody it by becoming more human

You can RSVP for free here

Violet Flame, Ceeport

With Love, Stela Ahau


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