Subject: Explore Gentle Dying

Dear Friend,

This is a friendly reminder about the upcoming online event "Explore Gentle Dying: Learn Spiritual Skills for Creating a Beautiful Death for Yourself & Your Loved Ones" happening this Saturday, March 16th.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to register for this transformative 60-minute session with end-of-life doula Felicity Warner. She will be sharing powerful insights and practices to help us embrace the dying process with grace, courage and even beauty.

Some of the key topics we'll explore include:

  • How to transform death into a tender, sacred journey

  • Understanding the emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of dying

  • Learning from diverse cultural perspectives on death

  • Developing gentle dying techniques to offer meaningful end-of-life support

  • Felicity will also guide us through the "Making Friends with Death" experiential practice to help envision our own peaceful transition.

This is a rare opportunity to gain deeper wisdom about one of life's most profound experiences. Don't miss out on learning how to find peace, empowerment and even joy during this final chapter.

If this resonates with you, you can RSVP here for Rob and Liesel’s event.

P.S. In Explore Gentle Dying: Learn Spiritual Skills for Creating a Beautiful Death for Yourself & Your Loved Ones with end-of-life doula Felicity Warner…

… you’ll gain a transformative perspective on death, embracing it as a peaceful, sacred, and gentle journey — where you can learn to provide emotional and spiritual support for yourself and loved ones — going beyond the limits of conventional medicine and enriching the final chapter of life with grace, love, and empowerment.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available

RSVP for free here

I hope you'll join us for this insightful and heart-opening event.

Warmly, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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