Subject: Experience a cascade of healing with Ba Duan Jin Qigong

Dear Friend,

Physical exhaustion has become an epidemic in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty. 

Qigong master Faye Li Yip says gaining agency of our thoughts and emotions through the mindful movements of Qigong can change that…

… as our minds and hearts tend to dictate what’s going on inside our bodies — including how energized, balanced, and capable we feel to face the many stressors of modern living.

Master Faye’s free online event on Saturday, December 16, explores how the eight mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong can help us release the negative emotional and mental energy that has accumulated within us by freeing blocked Qi, our life-force energy. 

Register here for Experience a Cascade of Healing With Ba Duan Jin Qigong: Deepen Your Qi Sensations for Balance & Rejuvenation 

One of Master Faye’s talents is guiding others into deeper experiences of their own bodies and the sensations that illuminate a sense of self

Her unique approach to Ba Duan Jin harnesses the sensations of the body through movements that are generated by presence and our own internal energy to initiate a cascade of healing — and awaken our deeper selves. 

You can register for FREE right here

I forgives myself, Ceeport

Warm regards, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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