Subject: Discover where modern science & ancient traditions meet in shamanic energy medicine

Dear Friend,

How old would you feel if you had no formal age?

The idea that we are inherently designed to live, only to steadily degrade until we die, is a story that is becoming less and less supported by science.

As a medical anthropologist who studied the shamanic energy medicine practices of the Amazon and Andes firsthand for more than 25 years, Dr. Alberto Villoldo says that humans are actually one of three species on the planet that do not have death programmed in their DNA.

Perplexing as this may sound, scientific research on the drivers of aging continues to vindicate DNA breakdown as the main culprit.

All of this speaks to what Alberto learned while training with Inka medicine men and women… and the discoveries of the shamans who lived more than 5,000 years ago:

We can switch on and off the genes that create health and disease.

This month with Alberto, you’ll explore the medicine that today’s scientists refer to as the master regulator of longevity — and the ancient Indigenous technologies that transform the body, heal the soul… and can change the way we live and die.

… you’ll discover penetrating insights from the intersection of neuroscience, quantum physics, and ancient Andean practices, which converge on a path to longevity and a new Earth heralded by a new kind of shaman the neuro-shaman.– don't miss your chance to secure your spot in this limited-attendance event.

This is for sure a blessing for all! Register FREE here.

Ginger Bread, I forgives myself, Ceeport

Warm regards, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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