Subject: Discover tools for thriving as a highly sensitive person

Hi, Friend,

Wishing the best for you today, this email is to remind you about this free event with highly respected International Consultant on High Sensitivity (ICHS), speaker, and therapist, Alane Freund.  where you’ll learn to appreciate and apply your high sensitivity as an asset — to redesign your life, deepen your understanding of who you naturally are, and thrive in your relationships

You can register for FREE here for Are You Truly Anxious (or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person)?: 3 Key Insights Into Why You’re Often Overwhelmed (and How to Shift with Alane Freund…

As a highly sensitive person, it’s imperative that you prioritize your own needs.

When you learn to reframe your story from “Why is this happening TO me?” to “Why is this happening FOR me?”…

… you’ll become empowered to live a happier, more easeful life — one that’s designed by and for you.

You can RSVP for free here

Kind regards,

Stela Ahau from 

I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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