Subject: A Gift - Experience the heart-opening qualities of devotional chanting ☀️

Dear Friend,

Do you find it easy to lose yourself in meaningless distractions, when what you really long for is adding greater meaning to your life?

Beloved seeker and chantress Nina Rao believes that we’re all longing for sanctuary, a place of refuge. This place, she says, lives within each of us, and we can access it through the daily discipline of a devotional chanting practice.

Just knowing that this sanctuary exists can soften anxiety and clear a more open path as you walk through life. And, when you enter this practice intentionally — day after day — the transformations become that much greater.

The confidence and calm you find are the sanctuary, and become yours to carry through the day. The divine influence of this sacred place permeates your being. You trust that you will continue saying yes to life no matter what it delivers to your door.

Nina will share how traditional kirtan evolved in India — before it became known and practiced in the West for its psychological and emotional impacts.

You can register here for Open Your Inner Sanctuary With the Power of Devotional Chanting: Find Empowerment & Inspiration Inside a Daily Practice of Kirtan & Mantra:

In this highly experiential event, you’ll:

  • Be led in the chant Antaryaami: Knower of All Hearts, and experience its heart-opening qualities for yourself

  • Take a virtual tour of sacred places in India to understand the roots of kirtan, how it evolved, and what the West has contributed to this sacred practice

  • Discover how traditional chanting is folded into the celebration of Indian deities to evoke various aspects of our divinity within  

  • Be introduced to the mind-calming and heart-expanding benefits of a daily chanting practice — and receive guidance on creating and committing to one of your own

This is your opportunity to discover your inner sanctuary by answering the call to chant.

Nina will share how a daily practice of kirtan and prayer can help you discover whatever’s resonating in your heart.

Join her for this hour to experience for yourself the exhilarating truth that chanting is love made visible through song.

You can RSVP for free here

Blessings for you

With Love, Stela Ahau


I love you, I'm sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You 💜

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