Subject: 3 keys to harmonize your home’s energy with feng shui

Dear Friend,

Did you know your life could transform in profound ways with a few simple adjustments to your living space?

If you’re like many people, the way you’ve arranged the furniture, decor, and other objects in your home likely comes from personal taste and convenience.

Yet according to Marie Diamond, renowned feng shui master, the items you place in your living spaces and the way they’re arranged — as well as the colors and other elements of your interior design — impact you unconsciously, 24 hours a day.

The space you live in is an extension of who you are, and plays a huge part in the energy you attract into your life, your senses of happiness and balance, and the way you show up in the world.

When you apply the principles found in the ancient Chinese art of feng shui to optimize your living and work environments — to bring harmonious energy into your spaces — you can reach higher levels of spiritual awareness and life fulfillment than ever before.

As the positive energy flow in your living space increases, you’ll notice transformations in your relationships, career success, sense of health and overall wellbeing — as will everyone else living with you.

On Tuesday, October 17, Marie will introduce you to the foundations of feng shui and share three actionable ways to implement its principles to optimize the energy in your home, starting now.

You can register here for 3 Keys to Harmonize Your Home’s Energy With Feng Shui: A Personalized Approach to Activate a Positive Flow of Chi for Health, Happiness & Spiritual Blessings

You can register FREE here

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • 3 easy-to-implement feng shui tips for infusing your home with a harmonious energy, so you can uplevel 4 principal areas of your life — success, relationships, health, and wisdom

  • 3 common mistakes people make in the decor and layout of their home — and how to correct them using feng shui principles

  • A guided meditation to connect to your house as a living being — feel its energy, discern what the space is telling you, and learn how it can support you

  • How you can personalize the classical system of feng shui to enhance the energy flow in your home and accommodate the details of your life

  • How feng shui can boost your law of attraction manifestation results — transforming the energy and people you attract into your life 

You can RSVP for free here

Blue Bonnet, Ceeport

With Love, Stela Ahau


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