Subject: March 27, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

March 27, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

March 27th, 2015 at 12:14 pm EDT

March 27, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDERS We will roll over this if we can get these prices: BTC 1 SVXY Mar4-15 71 call (SVXY150327C71) for a limit of $.05 (no commission) If that executes: STO 1 SVXY Apr1-15 69 call ...

March 23, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

March 23rd, 2015 at 10:32 am EDT

March 23, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDERS These trades will get us set up for the April expiration month: BTO 1 SVXY Apr4-15 69 call (SVXY150424C69) STO 1 SVXY Mar4-15 70 call (SVXY150328C70) for a debit limit of $3.33 ( ...

March 20, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

March 20th, 2015 at 10:11 am EDT

March 20, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDERS We need to close these out today: BTC 1 SVXY Mar-15 64 call (SVXY150320C64) STC 1 SVXY Mar-15 59 call (SVXY150320C59) for a credit limit of $4.95 (selling a vertical) BTC 1 SVX ...

March 16, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – limit order

March 16th, 2015 at 10:35 am EDT

March 16, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio limit order With the stock up nicely today we can sell against our uncovered long call: STO 1 SVXY Mar-15 64 call (SVXY150327C64) for a limit of $1.65 If this does not execute in 3 minutes ...

March 3, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDER

March 3rd, 2015 at 11:27 am EDT

March 3, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDER With SVXY down today it might be a good time to roll out of this short call if we can get this price: BTC 1 SVXY MAR1 15 63 call (SVXY150306C63)STO 1 SVXY Mar-15 66 call (SVXY15032 ...

February 25, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDER

February 25th, 2015 at 10:57 am EDT

February 25, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDER We need to get longer: BTC 1 SVXY FEB4 15 62 call (SVXY150227C62)STO 1 SVXY Mar-15 65 call (SVXY150320C65) for a credit limit of $.10 (selling a diagonal) If this does not ex ...

February 24, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDER

February 24th, 2015 at 1:09 pm EDT

February 24, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDER We need to get longer: BTC 1 SVXY FEB4 15 61 call (SVXY150227C61)STO 1 SVXY Mar2-15 63.5 call (SVXY150314C63.5) for a debit limit of $.22 (selling a diagonal) Happy trading. ...

February 20, 2015 Trade Alert #2 - Pattern Play Portfolio –limit order

February 20th, 2015 at 3:52 pm EDT

February 20, 2015 Trade Alert #2 - Pattern Play Portfolio limit order With the stock up strongly, there is some value in last month s call: STC 1 SVXY Feb-15 61 call (SVXY150220C61) for a limit of $.50 If this does not execute in 3 minutes, l ...

February 20, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

February 20th, 2015 at 12:03 pm EDT

February 20, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDERS VIX is at 15.70, well above the 12 -14 range of the last year but not much above the 15 resistance level it seems to have in 2015. This means we cannot expect SVXY to soar becau ...

January 22, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDER

January 22nd, 2015 at 1:00 pm EDT

January 22, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio LIMIT ORDER This trade will serve to take some cash in and reduce our risk while remaining solidly positive net delta: STO 1 SVXY Feb1-15 63 call (SVXY150206C63) for a limit of $1.35 Happ ...