Subject: January 5, 2015 Trade Alert - Pattern Play Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

January 5, 2015  Trade Alert -  Pattern Play  Portfolio – LIMIT ORDERS

These trades will get us set up for the February expiration:


BTO 1 SVXY Feb-15 61 call (SVXY150220C61)

STO 1 SVXY Jan-15 64 call (SVXY150117C64) for a debit limit of $4.20  (buying a diagonal)


BTO 1 SVXY Feb-15 63 call (SVXY150220C63)

STO 1 SVXY Jan-15 63 call (SVXY150117C63) for a debit limit of $2.85  (buying a calendar)


BTO 1 SVXY Feb-15 65 call (SVXY150220C65)

STO 1 SVXY Jan-15 65 call (SVXY150117C65) for a debit limit of $2.65  (buying a calendar)  


Happy trading.



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