Subject: April 5, 2019 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Honey Badger Portfolio

April 5, 2019 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert   – Honey Badger  Portfolio  

The market has continued to do nothing but move higher, and to do it so fast that we can’t keep up.  It is time to discontinue this bearish portfolio and see if there is a better way to protect against a market drop without having it cost so much to have downside protection in place:

BTC 1 SPY 05Apr19 281 put (SPY190405P281) for $.01 (no commission)

BTC 1 SPY 05Apr19 282 put (SPY190405P282) for $.01 (no commission)

STC 1 SPY 17May19 271 put (SPY190517P271) for $.94

STC 1 SPY 17May19 279 put (SPY190517P279) for $1.77

STC 1 SPY 17May19 280 put (SPY190517P280) for $1.92

STC 1 SPY 17May19 283 put (SPY190517P283) for $2.49

Be prepared to change these prices by $.05 or more in order to get an execution. 

Happy trading.


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