Subject: Charlotte Mason for 21st century homeschoolers

Charlotte Mason for 21st century homeschoolers

June 8th, 2022 at 11:52 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, Footprints on Our Land incorporates many of Charlotte Mason’s principles in our various literature-based learning programmes. In this, the 21st Century, many may ask what relevance a woman from the late 1800s has for modern ...

Go out, go see and do

May 25th, 2022 at 11:52 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, The colder weather might make you want to stay in, but don't. Wrap up in layers of warm clothing and get moving with your kids - it will warm you up, produce happy hormones called endorphins to cheer you up and get you doing t ...

Secrets to refresh your home education

March 28th, 2022 at 12:21 pm SAST

View onlineDear friend, Are your children often lethargic about learning...bored...reluctant? Are you growing weary of nagging, checking and nagging again? Are you wondering if you are doing something 'wrong' or if there's an easier way? There is...a ...

Footprints Nature Quest - a Truly LIVING Education

March 8th, 2022 at 9:15 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, Education is not so much about filling children’s minds with facts, but rather it’s about introducing children to topics and subjects that fascinate them, views and ideas that challenge them and great authors whose storie ...

Bare feet, Blessings and Footprints

December 15th, 2021 at 10:15 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, As the year winds down to a close, we hope you'll enjoy kicking off your sandals and enjoy some rest, relaxation and relationship-building time with your family and extended family. The holidays are also a great time to focu ...

Help! This curriculum isn't working.

November 25th, 2021 at 9:41 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, We regularly get emails from desperate mothers, like this one: My son is struggling with all the subjects. He battles to concentrate. I have to nag him to do his school work and we both hate it. Can you give me information ...

I have X kids! Homeschooling multiple grades

October 21st, 2021 at 8:53 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, I have X kids – can I really do this? As long as you don't have sextuplets, you can probably cope (alone)! Multi-level homeschooling is challenging, but it's not an impossible nightmare! We have 10 children between two fam ...

Tackle the high school years with confidence

September 23rd, 2021 at 8:53 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, The unknowns of our children's future make all of us feel uncertain. We know what it's like to worry about homeschooling through the high school years and navigating a school-leaving route and tertiary study options. Many pa ...

If not CAPS, then what?

September 17th, 2021 at 9:25 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, If you are a new homeschooler, you might still be wondering, Do I have to use CAPS? . Perhaps you're using a CAPS curriculum and it's stressing you out. Watch our quick chat on YouTube on this topic. We outlined the main pro ...

If you have perfect Christian kids, don't read this.

August 23rd, 2021 at 9:25 am SAST

View onlineDear friend, Most Christian parents intend to disciple their children so that they too choose to seek an intimate and authentic Bible-based relationship with God. But, even  perfect Christian homeschooling does not prevent prodigal child ...