Subject: If you have perfect Christian kids, don't read this.

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Dear friend,

Most Christian parents intend to disciple their children so that they too choose to seek an intimate and authentic Bible-based relationship with God. But, even "perfect" Christian homeschooling does not prevent prodigal children and parents who pray do not always see the results they hoped for.

Join us for a heartfelt conversation where 4 homeschooling mothers share from their own parenting journey with struggles to God’s victory when raising children in the Christian faith.

Thursday, 26 August at 19h30-20h30 on Zoom

Nadene says: "I believe that we all have precious messages carved into the clay of our lives, parenting sown in tears, watered with repentance, lifted to the Lord for mercy, offered in surrender and expressed with sorrow and joy mixed together. And the comfort we received, we now share to comfort others.”

Linda shares: “Modelling the surrendered Christian life in our marriages, parenting and homeschooling speaks volumes more to our children than other things.”

Shirley reflects: “I felt it's an important message to bring some 'balance' to what is out there and to really encourage those who are already seeing signs of resistance to the Christian discipleship and training in their homes.”

Wendy encourages: “It has been my journey to learn how God parents me with my need for grace and apply this to my children even more so now as they are all young adults and needing to learn to transact directly with Him themselves.”

Sign up for this encouraging livestream now.

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