Subject: Friend - The BELA Bill and Homeschool Law - UPDATE

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The BELA Bill and Homeschool Law

On Thursday 16 May, the National Assembly voted YES for passing the BELA Bill.

The last step in the process is now up to President Cyril Ramaphosa. Join us in praying for him to make a favourable decision. He must either sign the bill into law or refer it back to Parliament, if he has concerns that it doesn’t meet constitutional muster, which means that it must not violate the South African Constitution - the highest law in the land.

Parties like the DA, Freedom Front Plus and ACDP voted against the bill. At least four civil institutions have expressed intentions to challenge the BELA Bill in the Constitutional Court if it is passed into law, including the Pestalozzi Trust, the homeschool legal defence organisation.

Have no fear. 

In a press release on 11 March 2024, the Department of Basic Education confirmed:

“The Department has no intention of taking away the freedom of curriculum choice from the parents.”

Regardless of what the president does, parents must continue to act in the best interests of their children. There seems to be no straightforward "right thing to do" when it comes to homeschooling and the law. To help you understand the choices and their potential consequences, we have compiled a series of updated articles - Homeschooling and the Law

Don't have sleepless nights, worrying about homeschooling. It's a perfectly legal choice. You don't have to register for school-at-home! You don't have to follow CAPS!

Follow this "recipe" for peaceful sleep and peace in your heart:

1. Read our articles, so you become well-informed and confident about your decision.

2. Join the Pestalozzi Trust so that you have legal backing, if you ever need it. (Your membership also supports the work they do on behalf of all homeschoolers!)

Finally, please share this information with other homeschoolers. Forward them this newsletter or post the link to our Homeschooling and the Law articles on your social media networks.

Voetspore 1 - op uitverkoping!

Verlustig jou kinders met hierdie warm winter uitverkoping!

Neem 'n reis deur die eerste 400 jaar van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis deur van die beste literatuur en 'n gedetailleerde ouergids te gebruik om te ontdek wat in ons land gebeur het tot en met die Anglo Boereoorlog.

Jou kinders sal 'n verskeidenheid leeraktiwiteite geniet, insluitend kaartwerk, skryf van opstelle, praktiese aktiwiteite en meer.

Geskik vir kinders 8-14 jaar oud. Volle beskrywing hier.

Ons bied verskillende koopopsies aan:

  • Die Goue pakket bevat al die nodige boeke plus addisionele boeke om elke afdeling te verryk. Hierdie is die alomvattende pakket wat u alles bied wat u nodig het om die wydste literatuurgebaseerde leerervaring moontlik te maak, met behulp van die Voetspore-program.

  • Die Silwer pakket is volledig en sluit al die noodsaaklike boeke in. Die bykomende boeke vir afdelings 1-6 kan apart gekoop word.

  • Die Brons pakket is bedoel vir kopers wat die silwer pakket stuk-stuk (met twee betalings) wil aankoop.

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